Our Technical Solutions
Why are so many companies moving to the cloud? A lot of reasons are published and motivated, but it’s clear that cloud computing increases efficiency, helps improve cash flow and more… Cloud computing is giving you the flexibility you need, helps in disaster recovery especially for smaller businesses, you don’t have to bother about software and/or security updates, no hardware cost, helps you to increase collaboration and let’s your teams work from anywhere. In one way or the other, moving to the cloud helps you to increase your competitiveness.
Our cloud services are mainly based on Salesforce.com technology which is known as the world leader in cloud.

What we do:
- Support to select the cloud solution that fits your needs
- Implementation of the selected cloud solutions
- Training and coaching
- Technical support
How we work
- On project basis with clear commitments
- On time and material basis with experienced and certified consultants
Bring your teams around your projects and help them to collaborate in a more efficient way. The PPM tools we offer facilitate managing your portfolios and projects in an easy to use and transparant way. No matter what size your project team is or how many people you need to collaborate with on your projects, we help you to make the best choice depending on your needs.

What we do:
- Functional & Technical requirement analysis & definition
- Functional & Technical implementation (out of the box or tailored) of Sciforma or other Project & Portfolio management solutions
- Training and coaching
- Technical support
How we work
- On project basis with clear commitments
- On time and material basis with experienced and certified consultants
Integrate your cloud or PPM solution with other tools within your organization (jira, SAP, yammer,...). Our development teams build the API’s or custom functionality according to your requirements.

What we do:
- Integration of your salesforce.com or PPM tool with third-party applications
- Development/testing/implementation of custom API’s
- Development of force.com based applications
- Training and coaching
How we work:
- This service is mostly delivered on project basis